

I must have missed the original request. Could someone tell me what this is all about?
Before I retired, I could claim to have supervised more PhDs in art and design than anyone else still alive.
So I might have something to contribute to whatever it is.

John Z L
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-----Original Message-----
From: Tore Kristensen <[log in to unmask]>
To: CEPHAD <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Fri, 20 Jul 2018 10:42
Subject: Re: Advancing PhD Studies in Design - Expanded Research Request

Dear Ken

Long time no see etc.

Yes, I believe the design research need both better concepts, e.g. of design and cognitive issues. Another issue concerns the measurement and testing of design in various contexts. Gorm Gabirlesen and I are working on new statistical methods which we belive can be very useful in the future. But, statistics is not easy, neither technically or conceptually.

Sorry for such brief statement, but I shall send more later to exemplify what I suggest.



----- Original meddelelse -----
Fra: Ken Friedman <0000213a78212f46-dmarc-[log in to unmask]>
Til: [log in to unmask]
Dato: Ons, 04. jul 2018 10:54
Emne: Advancing PhD Studies in Design - Expanded Research Request

Dear Colleagues,

Thanks very much to the people who have responded to our research request, both on the list and in private. This is an added note to welcome an additional group of respondents.

The research director of a well known research-based design firm wrote to say that he was not sure that the request applied to people like himself — practitioner designers in research-based practices who may not have a PhD.

I am eager for anyone with something to say to share their thoughts with us. This is especially the case for people with deep engagement in research-based professional practice. Your thoughts are particularly relevant to PhD education.

We also welcome thoughts and comments from people who have moved into design practice and design research from other fields — we’ve had interesting and relevant thoughts from people who took their PhD in physics, in philosophy, and in psychology.

The broad query remains the same. We seek notes and comments on issues that can contribute to or advance the discussion of PhD studies in design.

We are curious to know how people from different points in their career think about how to advance PhD studies in design. I have been working on an article with a colleague. Your suggestions will help us to sharpen our thinking — as well as ensuring that we are not missing important issues.

If you have any thoughts, I’ll be most grateful. I’m eager to read what others have to say and to learn from it.

Along with any thoughts you may have, it would be helpful to know your current affiliation, and to know what stage in your career you speak from. That is, are you a PhD student, a recent graduate, a post-doc, a lecturer, or a professor. I’m also interested in the thoughts of PhD supervisors and people who are responsible for PhD programs as program directors or as associate deans for research. And — as noted — we welcome people who engage in design research and research-based design practice, whether or not they have a PhD. We also welcome comments from people who started in other fields and now work in design.

We will not quote or cite anyone who wishes to remain anonymous, and we will request permission to quote anything we’d like to use.

We have had some very useful responses to date. In addition to any answers you are willing to provide, I’d be grateful if you would share this request with people whose experience would make their thoughts valuable.

Please write to me at:

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Ken Friedman

Ken Friedman, Ph.D., D.Sc. (hc), FDRS | Editor-in-Chief | 设计 She Ji. The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation | Published by Tongji University in Cooperation with Elsevier | URL:

Chair Professor of Design Innovation Studies | College of Design and Innovation | Tongji University | Shanghai, China ||| Email [log in to unmask] | Academia | D&I


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