Dear Martyn,

Thank you for providing this comprehensive preprint regarding RM using GLM and how to implement this in SPM. I have now a clearer idea about the difference between pooled vs partitioned error models and also understand how to appropriately derive the contrast weights to test for the effects of interest in the flexible factorial.

I'll share this preprint with other members in my lab to help spread the knowledge.


2018-06-12 8:50 GMT+03:00 Martyn McFarquhar <[log in to unmask]>:
Hi Noelia,

I would avoid the Glacher and Gitelman tutorial as it contains some poor advice for specifying these types of model correctly. The preprint here may be more useful for you in understanding both the models that you need as well as the contrasts:

Best wishes

Martyn McFarquhar, PhD
Lecturer in Neuroimaging
G30 Zochonis Building
The University of Manchester
Brunswick Street
M13 9GB

+44 (0)161 306 0450

Noelia Martínez Molina, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Cognitive Brain Research Unit (CBRU)
Department of Psychology and Logopedics
Faculty of Medicine
University of Helsinki
Phone1: +358 50 31 88 048 (Finnish)
Phone2: +34 620 15 23 87 (Spanish)

"Where words fail, music speaks".
                                             H.C. Andersen