

Dear Colleagues,
Sheffield Hallam is really excited about this year's conference which is now less than a month way. There is still time (until June 29th ) to let us know you're coming  (Eventbrite<>) to the Conference and register for sessions. As a reminder - please see the details below

SHULT18<> aims  to provide opportunities for staff to engage in strategic conversations around the student journey to, through and out of Higher Education with discussions centering on three main tracks:

  *   Student retention or persistence - and the range of factors that can enhance students' timely degree completion.
  *   Student attainment which pertains to the ways in which all students - regardless of background, are empowered to do well academically.
  *   Student outcomes which refer to the educational, societal and life effects that are the end result of the student journey through higher education.

Registration is now open, where you can book your place for either or both days<>.

The Programme - now available, offering a range of parallel sessions in exciting and engaging formats. All delegates will have the opportunity to pre-book their parallel sessions.  View the conference programme<>

If you have any questions about the conference, please contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> and don't forget to use #SHULT18 in your Twitter communications!

Please feel free to publicize to your relevant networks

Best wishes

Dr. Lindy-Ann Blaize Alfred FHEA | Senior Lecturer,  Academic Professional Development | Learning Enhancement and Aacademic Development
Sheffield Hallam University
Level 1
Arundel Gate
S1 2PN
Tel: 0114 225 6662 |
LEAD website:
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