


FSN 2018: Futures of finance and society<>

University of Edinburgh, 6-7 December

Organisers: Nathan Coombs, Tod Van Gunten
Keynotes: Donald MacKenzie, Annelise Riles, Gillian Tett
Sponsors: Edinburgh Futures Institute/University of Edinburgh


Ten years on from the global financial crisis, the settlement between finance and society remains ambiguous. Regulation has been tightened in traditional areas like banking, against a backdrop of fiscal austerity and the proliferation of new monies, financial platforms and investment vehicles. Building on the success of our previous ‘Intersections of finance and society’ conferences, ‘Futures of finance and society’ asks what new social, organisational and political forms are emerging and what direction they should take.

This two-day event, based at the University of Edinburgh’s historic Medical Quad, aims to deepen dialogue between the diverse disciplines contributing to the field of ‘finance and society’ studies. It seeks to develop new synergies between political, sociological, historical, and philosophical perspectives. In addition to providing a venue for presenting ongoing theoretical research, contributors are invited to propose and debate potential solutions for improving financial stability, expanding financial inclusion, and mitigating inequalities associated with financialisation.


The conference is organised through the Finance and Society Network<> (FSN), in association with the journal Finance and Society<>, the Edinburgh Futures Institute<>, and the University of Edinburgh’s School of Social and Political Science <> (SPS).


Confirmed keynotes:

  *   ‘Finance studies twenty years after Callon’, Donald MacKenzie (University of Edinburgh)
  *   ‘Financial citizenship: Experts, publics, and the politics of central banking’, Annelise Riles (Cornell Law School)
  *   ‘Financial cultures and financial crises’, Gillian Tett (Financial Times)

Contributions are invited in two formats:

  *   Papers; abstract of up to 300 words
  *   Panels; abstract of 100 words plus 3-4 paper abstracts up to 300 words

Themes on which we encourage contributions include:

  *   Sociology of financial markets
  *   Finance and social theory
  *   Finance and inequality
  *   Heterodox economics and finance theory
  *   Gender and finance
  *   Derivative and structured finance
  *   Central banking and shadow banking
  *   Financial crises, past and present
  *   Financial regulation and state activism
  *   Temporality, historicity, futurity, fictional expectations
  *   Financial modelling and forecasting
  *   Theology and finance
  *   Finance and social reproduction
  *   Finance and neoliberalism
  *   New perspectives on financialisation
  *   Financial markets and the digital economy
  *   Financial technology
  *   Money, financial markets, and psychoanalysis
  *   Popular cultures of finance
  *   Financialisation and contemporary art markets
  *   Contemporary art practice in the age of finance

Please submit abstracts and proposals by 1 September 2018 to Nathan Coombs and Tod Van Gunten at the following address: futuresfinancesociety-at-gmail-dot-com<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

The editors of Finance and Society are encouraging paper submissions from conference participants. For more information on the journal please visit:<>

More information on last year’s FSN event is available on the 2017 conference website:

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