

Rethinking Society in the Twenty-First Century -
Reflections from the International Panel for Social Progress<>.

Technology's Stories announces our latest edition:
This issue of Technology's Stories features articles drawn from or inspired by the International Panel on Social Progress. The IPSP is a global academic initiative of more than 300 scholars from all social sciences and the humanities who have contributed to Rethinking Society for the 21st Century<>, a report on the prospects for social progress today. This special collection for Technology's Stories marks the publication of the report and offers important insights from a cross-cutting IPSP theme that sought to examine the role of science and technology, as it contributes - or not - to social progress.

This special collection of Technology's Stories was edited by Cian O'Donovan and Becky Ayre at SPRU - Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex.
The editors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Technology's Stories editor-in-chief Suzanne Moon and her team.

Cian O'Donovan and Johan Schot   Crafting Stories of Technology and Progress: Five Considerations <>

Andy Stirling, Cian O'Donovan, and Becky Ayre  Which Way? Who Says? Why? Questions on the Multiple Directions of Social Progress<>

Judith Sutz    Health Inequalities in the Global South: Transforming Inspiring Stories into Effeetive Policies<>

Suzanne Moon  Social Progress in a Technoreligious World<>

Helga Nowotny and Johan Schot   It Could be Otherwise: Social Progress, Technology and the Social Sciences<>

Technology's Stories offers innovative, sharp, and compelling storytelling about technology in society, past and present. It aims to engage scholars, students, and the interested general public with the usable past - with stories that can help us make sense of contemporary technological challenges and aspirations. Pieces are strong on content and light on academic jargon, making them especially suitable for undergraduates.

Interested in putting together an issue for Technology's Stories? Or publishing a standalone essay?
Please contact us at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
We invite contributions from across the spectrum, from graduate students to senior scholars.

Suzanne Moon, Editor-in-Chief, Technology and Culture, and Technology's Stories
Con Diaz, Associate Editor, Technology's Stories
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