

Hi Radek, 
 I have already asked for skanning that paper by Lange (1979) as we fortunately have the whole Festshrift 8. She published there a very useful key for Galium identification :) 
Let me know if you still need that paper by G. Jones (1991). And please send it if you receive  from other source.

All the best

2018-06-20 10:06 GMT+02:00 Radek Grabowski <[log in to unmask]>:

Dear colleagues,


Does anyone happen to have digital copies of the following publications?


Lange Elsbeth. 1979. Verkohlte Pflanzenreste aus den slawischen Siedlungplätzen Brandenburg und Zirzow. In: Festchrift Maria Hopf. Archaeo-Physica. Band 8.


Jones, G. 1991. Numerical analysis in archaeobotany. In: Progress in Old World Palaeoethnobotany.


Any help is greatly appreciated.


Kind greetings,

/Radoslaw Grabowski


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