

Just signed up... I'd vote for option 2 (shorten) over option 1 (cancel).
Alex Owen

On 24/05/18 15:20, Pete Gronbech wrote:
[log in to unmask]">

The three day meeting based at RAL is due to start on Monday 18th with Robin Long leading the Hack day.

The following two days would have site reports and any other topics suggested.


So far we only have 16 registered.

I will close registrations tomorrow at 1700.


As this meeting is not proving popular we could consider two things:


1 Cancel it !




2 Reduce to two days (ie the Monday Hack day and Tuesday only for site reports etc)


Please let me know ASAP what you would like to do.


Thanks Pete




Peter Gronbech  GridPP Project Manager          Tel No. : 01865 273389


Department of Particle Physics,                         

University of Oxford,                 

Keble Road, Oxford  OX1 3RH, UK  E-mail : [log in to unmask]



Dr R A Owen			School of Physics and Astronomy
Senior Physicist/Programmer	Queen Mary University of London
Tel: +44 20 7882 6551		327 Mile End Road, LONDON, E1 4NS, UK
Email: [log in to unmask]