

Hi All,

Its been a bit quiet for a while on this list, but today I have added two new members interested in using simulation in radiography education.

I though it would also be good to share that Sue Crabb has now retired as chair of the Society of Radiographers (UK) Special Interest Group (SIG) on simulation.

Naomi Shiner, from Derby University has agreed to take on the Chairperson role and I have agreed to be Vice-Chair.

Rob Appleyard and myself will continue to monitor this mailbase. This is an international list and separate from the SIG, but most members of the SIG are on it therefore the SIG will hope to include members in communications as appropriate.

If there are any of your colleagues who are keen to get involved in simulation of any type, please suggest they join the list. there are several ways to join, but perhaps the easiest is to email me or Rob. The more members the more dynamic we can be and the better the support for simulation in our profession.


Dr. Philip CossonRemove Hyperlink
Diagnostic Radiography, Teesside University, Middlesbrough, TS1 3BA, UK

t: 01642 384175 m: 07817 362823

Kranz, R., and Cosson, P. (2015) Anatomical and/or pathological predictors for the “incorrect” classification of red dot markers on wrist radiographs taken following trauma. British Journal of Radiology 2015;87:20140503. DOI:

Williams, H., Widdowfield, M., and Cosson., P. (2014) The Radiographer's Multidisciplinary Team Role in Theatre Scenarios. Radiography DOI:
Lumsden, L., and Cosson, P. (2014) The Attitudes of Radiographers to Radiographer-Led Discharge: A Survey. Radiography DOI:
Cosson, P., and Dash, R. (2014) A taxonomy of anatomical and pathological entities to support commenting on radiographs (preliminary clinical evaluation). Radiography DOI:

Titley, A.G., and Cosson, P. (2014) Radiographer use of anatomical side markers and the latent conditions affecting their use in practice. Radiography. DOI:

Warlow T., Walker-Birch, P., and Cosson, P. (2014) Gonad shielding in paediatric pelvic radiography: effectiveness and practice. Radiography. DOI:

Cosson, P., and Willis, R.N. (2012) Digital teaching library (DTL) development for radiography education. Radiography. DOI:

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