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Hi All, 

I'm wondering if someone could please provide a good example of a realist evaluation manuscript that tests initial program theories from a previous realist synthesis/review

Assuming the reader has not read the realist review manuscript, how much detail should one provide about the initial program theories in their RE manuscript

I have 8 program theories from my review findings which I test in my realist evaluation. At present I have these listed as CMOs in a table at the beginning of my methods section. I have referenced my review and discussed how these have informed the evaluation. 

Please let me know if there is a better way of doing this. Any examples will be a huge help! 



Sweatha Iyengar

Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, School of Public Health

Health Systems and Policy

Room 220, Level 2 Public Health Building, Herston Campus

The University of Queensland 4006

M: +61 406 068 366 W:

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