

Dear All - please find below details of the next Media Discourse Group seminar, held at De Montfort University, Leicester Media School, Leicester

Wednesday May 16th 4pm - Clephan Building 3.01 
Dr Marco Checci, De Montfort   
The primacy of resistance
An exploration of the organisational creativity of resistance exceeding its confrontational stance

Marco joined the Department of Strategic Management & Marketing as a Lecturer in Business and Management (VC2020) in August 2017. Prior to this, he was at the School of Business, University of Leicester where he also received his PhD. Marco’s research interests focus upon a postmodern conceptualisation of the primacy of resistance in relation to management and organisation studies, with strong attention to political philosophy and social science. He is also interested in alternative forms of organisation and social and community based entrepreneurship

The primacy of resistance
The concept of resistance has received a renewed academic attention after the cycle of struggles in 2011, ranging from the Arab spring to the Spanish indignados, the Greek aganaktismenoi occupations, the Occupy movement and the UK riots. The legacy of these events has inspired a multitude of resistances against austerity, borders, gender discrimination and so on. In this seminar, I will discuss how to conceptualise resistance today in relation to these contemporary forms of resistance and their creative potential. I will argue that resistance is not primarily about direct confrontation but about changing the conditions in which power operates by creating alternative social relations and alternative ontologies of existence.
Traditional accounts of political resistance often conceptualise it as a sporadic outburst against power. When we think of resistance we immediately wonder: against what? This depicts resistance as subordinated, reactive, negative and bound to defeat. Instead, drawing on Michel Foucault’s work, I propose to radically invert this relation between power and resistance. The primacy of resistance intends to highlight the creative character of resistance over its oppositional and reactive stance. The hypothesis is that opposition does not constitute a defining feature of resistance, but its accidental destiny. 
This does not mean that resistance does not imply a moment of opposition. Rather, we need to wonder whether and how to bracket this moment of opposition in order to fully appreciate and foster the creative and transformational dynamics that resistance sets in motion: solidarity, transversal connections, care, organisational creativity, cooperation. If resistance needs to be against something, it is primarily against the against that follows it.

Best wishes


Stuart Price
Professor of Media and Political Discourse
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