

Dear MCGers,

We have extended the call for proposals for the annual Museums Compute Group Conference 'Museums+Tech 2018', on Friday 19 October. The call for proposals now closes at 23:59 (London time) on Friday 1 June 2018. Further information about the topic and how to submit your proposals can be found below and on our website<>.

Our 2018 conference is asking whether digital in museums can open up our institutions to collaboration and democratisation. How can a collaborative and participatory approach to projects invite new audiences, bring higher quality content, and provide museums with important learning experiences? Can museums and technology help to create a progressively universalised museum with better access and broader audiences? Can it be the catalyst for active as opposed to passive participants?

The MCG's Museums+Tech 2018 conference seeks proposals for presentations addressing these issues. It's time to celebrate good work, and share ideas for helping museums do better. We're open to suggestions, but we've also highlighted some potential topics in the email below and on our website.

Best wishes,
Alec Ward (MCG Committee Member)

Alec Ward
Museum Development Officer Digital & Communications

020 7001 9861

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Museum of London, No. 1 Warehouse
West India Quay, London, E14 4AL

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From: Alec Ward
Sent: 30 April 2018 19:22
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: MCG Museums+Tech 2018 Conference - Call for Proposals

Dear MCGers,

The annual Museums Computer Group Conference 'Museums+Tech 2018' will be held on Friday 19 October 2018 at the National Gallery, London. This year's theme: 'The collaborative museum'.

This will be a great opportunity to catch up on the latest developments and activities in the sector, as well as network with colleagues - so make sure to get the date in your diary and tell your colleagues.
The call for papers for the conference is open, and will close at 23:59 (London time) on Monday 21 May, 2018. We're keen to hear from practitioners, researchers, funders and those from related cultural heritage and technology sectors.

Our 2018 conference is asking whether digital in museums can open up our institutions to collaboration and democratisation. How can a collaborative and participatory approach to projects invite new audiences, bring higher quality content, and provide museums with important learning experiences? Can museums and technology help to create a progressively universalised museum with better access and broader audiences? Can it be the catalyst for active as opposed to passive participants?

The MCG's Museums+Tech 2018 conference seeks proposals for presentations addressing these issues. It's time to celebrate good work, and share ideas for helping museums do better. We're open to suggestions, but topics might include:

  *   Creating the participatory museum with community led/funded projects
  *   Digitisation of collections for open access
  *   Museum collaboration with academic institutions and industry: what can museums learn? What can museums teach?
  *   In house collaboration: How can digital contribute to creating a more cross-disciplinary approach to museums and culture?
  *   Museums as a network; collaborating with each other
  *   Museums as platforms, creating a more universal museum
  *   Open data and open source projects: being open to collaboration and supporting communities of practice
  *   The list continues on our website...
The deadline for proposals is 23:59 (London time) on 21 May, 2018. Our international programme committee will review proposals over May and you should hear from us in mid-late June. We look forward to hearing everyone's great ideas. If you have any questions, please contact us through [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Best wishes,
Alec Ward (MCG Committee Member)
