

It is not just factory chimneys which are often at risk. Those of disused Victorian Turkish baths and swimming pools are also at risk. Some of these are also worth preserving, as has, happily, been done in the conversion of the Ashton-under-Lyne Baths (1870) into the Ashton Old Baths digital hub. Here the chimney stands between the first floor Turkish baths and the swimming pool at the rear.

But when baths are to be demolished, the chimney goes too. Perhaps there are other non-factory chimneys which also need to be included?



Malcolm Shifrin

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Published: October 2015 by Historic England
  Published in North America: March 2016
    by The University of Chicago Press

[log in to unmask]" title="[log in to unmask]" data-action="contact-card-menu" tabindex="0" role="button" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1525502036850_5286">Adriaan <[log in to unmask]>
May is the European theme month on factory chimneys, an "endangered species".
So help us to save the chimneys and do organise in your neighbourhood an event to call the attention to them.
We started the campaign on May 1st in Roubaix. The other events that already have been announced, will be put online as soon as possible, when we have received the details.
For May 9th, the Europe Day, we launched the idea of "a Serenade for a Chimney" - see
Have a musician or a singer perform the "Ode to Joy" in front of a chimney, record it and send us the pictures or the video