A reminder that Middlesex University London are holding a free Library Teachmeet on Wednesday 6th June 2018. 


The event will run from 16:00-18:30.  We hope this time will enable colleagues from Schools and Colleges to join us.


So far we have 5 presentations and have slots for five more.   What we need from you is short (5 mins max) presentations and/or activities to inspire and enthuse colleagues, ideally with a practical takeaway.   The room we have allows us a maximum audience of 50 people.  21 people have booked to join us so far.


Tea and coffee will be provided.  The Quad café will be open for you to buy sandwiches on the day.   At the end of the event, a tour of the Sheppard Library will be available.


So if you would like to do a short talk, please email me with your contact details and a short summary of what you’d like to do.


To book a place to attend (including speakers) please go to:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/teachmeet-tickets-45233679152


My apologies if you get this more than once through cross posting.







Dr. J. Adam Edwards, BA, MSc, PGCertHE, MCLIP, FHEA

Library Liaison Manager:  Law, Science and Technology, Collaborative Partnerships

The Sheppard Library

Middlesex University

The Burroughs



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+44 (0)20 8411 4418





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