

ALPSP Annual Conference & Awards
12-14 September 2018, Beaumont Estate, Old Windsor, UK

The ALPSP Annual Conference is renowned for providing a quality programme looking at the current challenges, opportunities and the future for scholarly publishing. Our fantastic Programme Committee<>  have taken up this gauntlet and are well on their way to providing another thought-provoking programme with some great speakers. We'll be sharing details of these sessions over the coming weeks but in the meantime here's an outline of the key themes we'll be talking about.

  *   Openness and Policy

Looking at all aspects of “open” and transparency, including: peer review, reproducibility of data, as well as funder policies and mandates affecting publishers of all sizes, and researchers in all disciplines.

  *   Business and Technology

Exploring new technologies driving innovation in content creation and content consumption, including practical applications for Artificial Intelligence and blockchain, new monetization strategies around data, sustainable publishing partnerships, and new markets such as online teaching materials.

  *   Researchers and Ethics

Examining the publisher role in supporting researcher and author workflows around journals and books across all disciplines, including data and metrics, as well as researcher and author experiences during peer review, ensuring a diverse environment with freedom to publish.

Book now - Early Bird rates end 31 May!

Heidi Russell-Jones
Marketing & Communications Executive
The Association of Learned& Professional Society Publishers
E: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> T: +44 (0)1727 812777
W:<> Follow us on Twitter: @alpsp

Working Hours: Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri 9.15-2.45 Wed 8.30 -5.00


ALPSP is a Company limited by guarantee and incorporated in England and Wales Registration no: 4081634. Registered Office: Egale 1, 80 St Albans Road, Watford WD17 1DL UK


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