

Dear colleagues,

This is to  alert you to an upcoming German Screen Studies Network event with filmmaker and feminist activist Helke Sander. The GSSN is contributing to a forthcoming programme of events on May ’68 and its Legacies at King’s College London. Highlights include a weekend symposium (Friday June 15th – Sunday June 17th), which in turn includes screenings and discussions with Jochen Gerz (Saturday 16th, 13.30 – 14.25) and Helke Sander (Sunday 17th, 13.20 – 14.50). Details of the full programme can be found here<>.

Helke Sander’s Sunday afternoon session includes screenings of two early films, Subjektitüde (1966) and Brecht die Macht der Manipulateure (Break the Power of the Manipulators, 1967), plus a Q&A with Erica Carter.

Entrance to the symposium is free, but booking is required. You can register for free here<>.

All the best,

Erica Carter

Erica Carter
Professor of German and Film
Department of German
King’s College London
Virginia Woolf Building 5.21
22 Kingsway
London WC2B 6LE
Tel: 020 7848 2128
Office hours: Tuesday 15.00 – 16.00; Friday 10.30 – 11.30