I'm trying to register high resolution 3D (1x1x1mm, dim1=dim2=256, dim3=110) to the epi (3x3x3mm, dim1=dim2=80, dim3=34) maintaining its resolution but it doesn't work. I cannot understand where is the mistake.

First I've registered B0 nodif to 3D T1 obtaining the trasformation matrix from diffusion to 3D T1 space.

Then I have inverted the transformation matrix as follows:
convert_xfm -omat diff2T1_inverse.mat -inverse diff2T1.mat

I have created a header with the the new dimensions:
fslcreatehd 240 240 102 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 16 headerfile.nii.gz

Finally I have registred the 3D T1 to the diffusion using the inverse transformation matrix and the new header file with the desired resolution:
flirt -interp trilinear -in T1.nii.gz -ref headerfile.nii.gz -applyxfm -init diff2T1_inverse.mat -out T1_2diff.nii.gz

But I cannot overlay the created T1 and the diffision data in fslview because of not the same same dimensions. I cannot understand why.

Thank you very much for your help.