Hi all,


Just a reminder of the below event. You can see a digital version of the booklet being launched here: https://mixam.co.uk/share/5abd03c827f3bf301cfa491a





“There was just this enormous sense of solidarity”: London and the 1984-5 Miners’ Strike

Booklet launch event with Terry Conway, Hilary Wainwright, Terry Harrison and Liz French

Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX

Wednesday 2nd May, 7pm, Free Entry


In March 1984 over 150,000 miners walked out on strike against plans for widespread pit closures in action supported by the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM). Alongside the dispute developed a large and diverse support movement within Britain and internationally, which provided invaluable practical solidarity. Thousands of people collected food and money, joined picket lines and demonstrations, organised meetings, travelled to mining areas and hosted activists from the coalfields in their homes. This event will mark the publication of a booklet edited by David Featherstone and Diarmaid Kelliher which brings together some of their stories, experiences and reflections on the strike. The event will offer reflections on the solidarities shaped during the strike and their contemporary political relevance.



Liz French (Betteshanger Women’s Support Group)

Terry Harrison (Betteshanger National Union of Mineworkers)

Hilary Wainwright (author of A New Politics from the Left, editor of Red Pepper)

Terry Conway (trade union activist, Islington North Labour Party LGBT officer, personal capacity)


University of Glasgow: The Times Scottish University of the Year 2018