Thanks Simone.

these are all good points.

We already get paid separately for other tasks, such as publishing books or reviewing book proposals. Many journals also pay journal editors. In principle I think we should be paid also for writing articles published by for-profit publishers (why should articles be different than books?). For articles, publishers can at least in principle make an argument that they are offering us a service by publishing and distributing our work. But for peer-review there is no such argument whatsoever. We are doing work for free, that is not benefiting us and we dont get anything in return, in kind or in money, from the journal.

That the public is paying through our salaries for work that is appropriated by corporations is outrageous (paying public workers to work for private companies). 

The long-term strategy is of course open access, I agree. To open access journals we can give our work voluntarily in expectation of others doing the same for us, and no one profiting along the way. But in the meantime, and while we still operate within the market framework publishing and reviewing for corporate publishers, then we should be paid. I dont like the market system. But if I work for it, I want a salary.


Giorgos Kallis,
ICREA Professor,
ICTA, Edifici Z, Despatx Z/105
Carrer de les columnes, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
E- 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès - Barcelona)

On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 11:49 AM, simone tulumello <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Thanks Giorgos, but I definitely do not agree. Peer-review is one component of the work we do as researchers/scholars - which should be paid by our institutions. Why should this particular component of our work be paid separatedly? There are other activities that result in profit for others that are not paid: what about writing? The problem is that we still publish with for-profit journals, though there is no reason whatsoever at this point of history. Dealing with the issue by further commodifying the publication process is going in the exact opposite direction as the one we should advocate...

2018-05-28 10:01 GMT+01:00 Giorgos <[log in to unmask]>:
I signed this petition started by a friend:

I think is a very reasonable demand. 

Giorgos Kallis,
ICREA Professor,
ICTA, Edifici Z, Despatx Z/105
Carrer de les columnes, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
E- 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès - Barcelona)

Simone Tulumello
Post-doc research fellow, ULisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais

latest publications:

Tulumello S (2017) Fear, Space and Urban Planning. Springer (linkTulumello S (2017) The multi-scalar nature of urban security and public safety. Urban Affairs Review (link) / Tulumello S Healey P (2016) Questioning planning, connecting places and times. plaNext special issue (link) /  Tulumello S (2018Neoliberalisation of Security, Austerity and the ‘End of Public Policy’ ACME (link)