Apologies for crossposting!

Drugs, Alcohol, Women, and Families Conference 2018

Manchester Metropolitan University, 23rd - 24th May 2018

Registration closes on the 11th May - we have *very limited* number of spaces left - don't miss out!

Join us in Manchester later this month for the inaugrual DAWF conference. We are delighted to share our provision two-day programme, featuring keynotes from Prof. Elizabeth Ettorre (University of Liverpool) and Dr. Sally Marlow (King's College London). A range of panels have been organised, where we will hear from researchers (from academia and organisations) on a range of topics relating to women, children, families and substance use, including:

Our two-day event draws to a close with an interactive workshop, facilitated by leading experts working in practice - Adrienne Hannah (SDF), Pip Williams (ELEN), and Marion Rackard (Health Services Executive) - where we will discuss the most effective ways to integrate research into practice, and practice into research.

Attendees are coming from all around the world, so please consider joining us for this very special two-day event - conference fee reductions are available for SSA Members and Students/Unwaged. Registration closes on the 11th May. Please see www.dawfconference.com for more information!