

Hi all,

Please find below a Call for Participants for the BSA Postgraduate Forum Event: Nation Building, Family (Un)Making, and Genetic Technologies, organised by LSE Department of Sociology PhD students Maria Kramer and Linda Lund Pedersen.

Best wishes, Linda


BSA Postgraduate Forum Event: Nation Building, Family (Un)Making, and Genetic Technologies
25th and 26th June 2018
   London School of Economics
Keynote Speaker: Dr Kim TallBear (University of Alberta)<>
We invite you to this two-day workshop to explore the multiple ways in which family (un)making, nation building, race, gender, and genetic technologies intertwine.
Processes of nation building and family making are closely intertwined. However, their intersection has assumed new and unprecedented qualities over the last decades due to the increasingly widespread application of genetic and/or genomic technologies in assessing people’s bodies in areas as diverse as health care, reproduction, forensics and migration control. What dynamics of attachments do these technologies perpetuate? How do they undergird and nurture particular visions of family making, relatedness, and citizenship while rendering others unthinkable and undoable? How are bodies targeted unequally across racialized and gendered hierarchies by these technologies? Addressing these questions while focusing on various geopolitical contexts, this workshop seeks to explore the ongoing relocation and dislocation of contestations over family making, national (non)belonging, identity and citizenship to the genomic level.
We welcome presentations for the following sub-themes:

  *   Reproduction, health care, genetics
  *   Borders, boundaries, migration movements
  *   Citizenship, biopolitics, kinship
  *   Nation building, genetic testing, and belonging
  *   Usages of medical technologies for non-medical and non-healthcare purposes
  *   Algorithms of inequalities, big-data, and genetics
  *   Human rights of dead-bodies, genocide, and development of medical research
Deadline for submission of abstract (max. 250 words):
23 May 2018 (acceptance notification: 25 May 2018)
Robert McKenzie Room, Department of Sociology, London School of Economics
Costs and Registration:

  *   £5 for BSA members
  *   £15 for non-members
(Lunch and refreshments included)
For abstract submission and further information, please contact the organizers Linda Lund Pedersen and Maria Kramer (LSE): [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
To book a place as an attendee, please visit: