Processes as opposed to states are very much IN at the moment - e.g. Carlo Rovelli's saying the world is not a collection of things but a collection of events etc. I too often find myself referring to processes rather than things, especially in my political and social opinions. In one of my poems I say something about nouns really being verbs that describe the universe.

On 10 May 2018, at 09:34, Reuben Woolley wrote:

I read once of a language or language family (I have the vague impression that it was a Native American language but I may very easily be wrong) in which there were no nouns. Things were processes, states of doing or being. Thus a rock is matter in a state of change from a mountain to earth or sand; it is 'rocking'. Whether this 'memory' of reading this is based on truth or not is not important. I liked the idea.