

Further to my message below, I have received a number of responses. Thank you for sharing this information with the relevant people and recommending them.

As we now have a big enough pool of people to choose from, we are no longer seeking new people.

Thank you.

Best wishes,

On 22 May 2018 at 10:19, Prithvi Shrestha <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear BNAC Members,

My apologies for this mass posting. 

We, at The Open University, are looking for someone who can transcribe audio-recorded interviews conducted in Nepali for our research project. I thought many distinguished members in this list must have had this kind of work done by people who provide this type of service. I wondered if you knew someone who could do the work for us. If you do, could you please send me the details off this list to [log in to unmask] ?

The audio recording is about five hours. I can share further details with the concerned person.

Many thanks for any pointers in advance.

Best wishes,

Dr Prithvi N. Shrestha
Senior Lecturer | School of Languages and Applied Linguistics
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies | The Open University | Milton
Keynes MK7 6AA | United Kingdom
Direct line: +44(0) 1908 654265
Work details: 
Current Projects:  IELTS research (Bangladesh & Nepal); ETS/ TOEFL iBT and EMI (Nepal & Sweden)
Twitter: @pnshrestha  <>
Recent publications:

Construct validity of the Nepalese school leaving English reading test, Educational Assessment, DOI: 10.1080/10627197.2018.1430511