

Applications from early career archive professionals or students would be welcome for this panel at the 2018 Art Libraries Society UK & Ireland annual conference. Please spread the word and encourage students or trainees to apply. 

We are pleased to announce the Students, trainees & apprentices panel of the Art Libraries Society UK & Ireland annual conference, to be held on July 26th and 27th 2018 at the Architectural Association in London. This year we want to broaden the discussion about current issues and practices within arts librarianship. We’re eager to hear about what matters to practitioners and library and archive users and to share ideas for change.  

We invite proposals for short (5-10 minute) presentations from current students, current graduate trainees, current apprentices, and ex-students who have finished their course less than 12 months ago. The theme of the panel will be 'Challenges and opportunities facing art librarians today/of the future' and we welcome contributions about all aspects of art librarianship that relate to it, for instance on specific work projects, dissertation or other LIS research, etc. All experiences and voices are valued and no previous experience of presenting at conferences is expected. The panel will include a closing group discussion (10-15 min.) on the common theme.

Up to five proposals will be selected for the Students, trainees & apprentices panel, and the conference fees will be waived for all panelists, as it is hoped that they will be able to attend the full conference. 

Conference programme details available at:  
How to apply:

Submit a 400-500 words summary of your presentation (including title and author(s) details) by email to [log in to unmask] by Thursday 10th May. Please contact us if you’d like to discuss an idea before submitting a presentation.

Please use the email subject line “Students, Trainees & Apprentices Panel”. 

We aim to notify all applicants of the outcome of their proposals by Friday 18th May. The Conference Working Party may suggest amendments to proposals and are keen to offer guidance and support to potential presenters.

Please note: Expenses other than registration fee for the conference (travel, accommodations, etc.), are the responsibility of the authors/presenters.

Contact the list owner for assistance at [log in to unmask]

For information about joining, leaving and suspending mail (eg during a holiday) see the list website at