

Hi David,


Foba do an easel attachment that you can add to a Foba studio stand.


Kindest regards,

Andy Quiney




From: AHFAP, for image professionals in the UK cultural heritage sector <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of [log in to unmask]
Sent: 11 May 2018 16:20
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Painting Support Logistics


Hi David,


I know someone who can make custombuilt easels.

He made two x/y camera stands for me and a special easel for backlighting paintings for the van Gogh museum photostudio.


Here a picture.

Let me know if you’re interested.


Best regards,






René Gerritsen Kunst & Onderzoeksfotografie
van Diemenstraat 410-412 ruimte 2.03 1013CR Amsterdam <> 





Op 11 mei 2018, om 16:28 heeft David Rowan <[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> > het volgende geschreven:


Hello list members,


I'm currently planning a large project where teams will be working in closed galleries photographing and moving artworks. We will be using the usual mobile camera and lighting tethered shooting stations. I can source everything else for the project, but am really struggling to find a reasonably priced painting stand. It needs to be portable / on wheels, and stable enough to take 30Kg loads or more. I have (the one pictured) in studio, it was purchase from 'conservation lighting and equipment' of London some time in the late 1980's and they no longer exist.


I'm desperatley considering building something, if anyone has any help or advice for a solution under £20k I'd be very grateful indeed!




David Rowan.
Birmingham Museums Trust
