Dear Zooarchers:
Kelila Jaffe and I are organizing a round table discussion for the 2018 ICAZ meetings in Ankara. Here is the theme of the roundtable:
Questions, Conundrums, and Wonky Data: Confounding Factors in Zooarchaeology:
This round table is designed to share research challenges and the ways in which these issues have been, or haven't been, addressed. Here are some of possible examples: How do we address mismatches between data and theory? What happens when our experiments fail to replicate our archaeological evidence? How do we deal with equifinality? What are the limits of ethnographic and historic analogies? While some problems are wholly unique; many are, undoubtedly, common across our field. This discussion seeks to encourage dialog and community.
If you have wonky or confounding data that you would like to discuss in the friendly and supportive atmosphere, please email me at [log in to unmask].
Many thanks, Pam