

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies]

Dear colleagues, the deadline to submit your paper to the special issue of Adaptive Behavior on the "Evolution of Cultural Complexity" as been extended to the 1st of July. For more information, see the original call for paper below, or go to the website 


*CALL FOR PAPERS – Adaptive Behavior*

*Special issue: “Evolution of Cultural Complexity”*

Download the pdf of the CfP here[1]

From a global perspective the sociocultural evolution of humans has been a
strong driving force throughout our shared history. From the invention of
tools as simple as a knapped pebble to the development of complex machines
able to land men on the Moon, humans as a species have been developing,
advancing and perfecting objects and techniques we use in our daily lives.
Equally, we have witnessed a slow but steady shift among human groups
towards more complex multilevel social organisations.

Although never a case of continuous progress but rather an ebb and flow
peppered with sudden surges in pace and dramatic collapses, the global
trend can be characterised as an increase in cultural and social complexity
over time. Despite its significance, the mechanisms and the factors driving
this process are still poorly understood and subject to debate. What drives
society to continuously update and elaborate their products? Why certain
forms of social organisation seem to be more stable than others? What
factors cause a sudden loss in cultural complexity? Different hypotheses
trying to explain the rise of sociocultural complexity across human
societies have been proposed, from demographic factor, cognitive component
to historical contingency, but we are far from reaching a consensus.

This special issue follows on from the session *“Evolution of Cultural
Complexity”* held at the /Conference on Complex System 2017/, where those
questions were discussed. However we also welcome submissions from authors
who did not present. The submission can be of any of the types: original
research article, review of the literature on the topic of the session,
short communication and opinion (/cf./ the submission guideline of Adaptive
Behavior for more information on these formats: /[2]).
We invite studies related to the evolution of cultural complexity,
including but not limited to the following topics:

* Definition, proxies and quantification of cultural complexity

* Cultural transmission, cumulative culture and social learning

* Evolution of technology and technological change

* Social dynamics of innovation and cooperation

* Cognitive basis of creativity, cooperation and innovation

* Interactions between cultural complexity and population dynamics

* Methods and tools to study cultural complexity and evolutionary change

The submission will proceed through the SAGE journal submission system:


During the submission process please select the article type: “*Special
issue on the evolution of cultural complexity*”.

Please also note that submissions have to follow SAGE submission
guidelines: /[4]

A Word template is available /here/[5] and a Latex template /here./[6]

*Guest Editors of the special issue:*

María Coto-Sarmiento (Barcelona Supercomputing Center & Universitat de

Simon Carrignon (Barcelona Supercomputing Center & Universitat Pompeu

*Organizers of the Satellite Session:*

María Coto-Sarmiento (Barcelona Supercomputing Center & Universitat de

Simon Carrignon (Barcelona Supercomputing Center & Universitat Pompeu

Sergi Valverde (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Iza Romanowska (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)

Xavier Rubio-Campillo (University of Edinburgh)

*Contact: * [log in to unmask][7]

*Website:* /[8]








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