

The Digital Preservation Coalition is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2018 ‘Getting Started with Digital Preservation’ workshop series, which will visit Glasgow, London, and Dublin.


The Digital Preservation Coalition is delighted to invite you to join them at a workshop which will equip collection managers, archivists, librarians and conservators with the skills necessary for ‘Getting Started in Digital Preservation. This day-long introduction assumes no prior knowledge except a willingness to engage with digital preservation. Through a series of presentations, case studies and exercises, participants will learn how to apply techniques of assessment, risk management and planning to help secure their digital collections. Presentations and exercises will help participants:



Workshop Dates and Locations



Who should come?


These workshops will interest:



Registration is free for members of the DPC and £50 for non-members. There is a limit of 3 places per member (incl. consortia and membership organisations) and these will be available on a 'first come, first served' basis. Additional registrations will be accepted but will be placed on the wait list until registration closes a week before the event, at which time they will be distributed equally amongst members. The workshops usually fill up quickly, so early registration is recommended.


Find out more about the events and register via the DPC website:


*Apologies for cross-posting*

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