

Hi, Matthew
   The result for your command for tstat1 (fslstats tstat1.nii.gz -r -R) is:
           -4.514888   0.014184    -4.514888    2.628758
And I also did this for tstat2:
          -2.628758    1.928888    -2.628758    4.514888

both tfce_tstat1, tfce_corrp_tstat1, tfce_p_tstat1 and tfce_tstat2, tfce_corrp_tstat2, tfce_p_tstat2 are ALL blank images.

And my randomise version is :
Part of FSL (ID: 5.0.10)
randomise v2.9

It is FSL 5.0.10 in a Mac OSX 10.11.6
I hope these informations could help.
Thank you for your reply, Matthew !