

Dear all,

The EGRG committee is pleased to again request submissions to the annual EGRG PhD prize. The EGRG awards a £100 prize, sponsored by Sage, for the best PhD thesis in the field of economic geography (broadly defined) as judged by the committee.

Previous winners are listed on the EGRG website:<>

In order to be considered for the award, please email an electronic version of the thesis to [log in to unmask] by Friday 4th May 2018. This must an absolutely final version of a thesis that has passed the degree for which it has been submitted at a UK institution during 2017. If you have any doubts about eligibility, please email me.

The theses will be reviewed by the EGRG committee and we will announce the winners at the Global Economic Geography conference at the end of July 2018 (note that attendance at the conference is not a prerequisite for being awarded the prize and all individuals who submit their thesis will be contacted directly via email). Please forward this email to anyone who may be interested but might not be on this listing.

With best wishes,


Dr. Jennifer Johns
EGRG Prize Coordinator