Dear members & friends,


I am very grateful to the three enthusiastic volunteers, who have come forward for the crucial roles of Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer and Minute Secretary. Thank you so much also to their line managers and institutions for their support.


The future of our Society looks really bright, and we hope it will shine ever more brilliantly by 18th April. To make this happen, we need one more Saviour of the Universe, the Operational Treasurer. (See attached).


If you are well organized, good at record keeping and figures, and are enthusiastic about the work and future of our Society, and would like to help shape it, please consider volunteering and thus making the current Officers/Trustees board complete, so that the workload could be divided in a manageable way for everyone.


Note that although six years is the maximum consecutive tenure for an Officer role, it is understood that circumstances change and individuals might need to step down any time within the maximum tenure. Officers who wish to continue in their role, are re-elected each year at the AGM. Whenever possible, we would like to ask Officers to give three months notice to allow Council to recruit a replacement.


If you are considering stepping forward, or if you know any member of your staff that would benefit from the experience, please don’t be shy, you will be joining a group of really good people who are just waiting to welcome you!


If you have any questions, please get in touch.


Looking forward to hearing from you by this coming 18th April.


All the best,




Carla Marchesan

Chair ARLIS UK & Ireland

Librarian and Tutor MA Sustainable Urbanism

+44(0)20 7613 8507

+44(0)20 7613 8500

19-22 Charlotte Road, London EC2A 3SG /




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