

Dear all

A late announcement for some of you of a tcon tomorrow on simulation of dynamic data. Several people are working or about to work on this topic so we thought to put this together. There are others that didn't make it on our agenda so I expect we will hold a future event.

The aim for tomorrow is to see if there is sufficient overlap and time and motivation to join efforts. We would like to integrate this into SIRF, but our CCPi colleagues have related interests, so Daniil is going to present as well.

Time: 14:30-16:00 UK time, Fri 9th of March

  *   Summary of existing work (giving short overview of aim, capabilities, software)
     *   Nikos Dikaios (Surrey): Dynamic whole body T1 weighted MR images used to simulate DCE MRI acquisitions
     *   Ashley Gillman (CSIRO): Dynamic and Motion Simulation of PET/MR
     *   Johannes Mayer (PTB):  Dynamic Numerical Simulator for Simultaneous PET-MR
     *   Daniil Kazantseev (Manchester): TomoPhantom, a software package to generate 2D/3D/4D analytical phantoms for CT image reconstruction algorithms benchmark studies
  *   Discussion on overlap/differences
  *   Next steps

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Kris Thielemans
Reader in Medical Imaging Physics at University College London,
Institute of Nuclear Medicine, UCL Hospital, Tower 5,
235 Euston Road, London NW1 2BU, UK