

Hi Bill,

I enjoyed this. In fact, I didn't know that about cows, but now I do,
so I can keep the game going :-)


Jill Jones

Latest book: Brink, Five Islands Press

----- Original Message -----
From: "Poetryetc: poetry and poetics" 
Sent:Tue, 20 Mar 2018 21:58:52 +0000
Subject:Did you know

 If anyone opens by asking this,

 they assume you don’t,

 know, that is

 Did, not do, mind

 implies that some titbit

 has been known

 to those in the know

 (or them at least)

 and some time down the track

 you are now to apprised

 of this knowledge

 DO you know

 could be a polite question stem -

 the way to San Jose,

 how to juggle,

 where I put my sunglasses down

 but DID implies

 you are well behind the eight ball,

 late to the discovery,

 and not fashionably so

 Or perhaps you hadn’t figured out

 something blindingly obvious

 or just plain esoteric

 Did you know that cows

 can be led upstairs

 but not down?

 I did not but I read it

 on the internet

 when I googled Did you know

 so it must be true

 mustn’t it

 Even when told,

 even if surprised

 for how long will you know?

 This knowledge

 you may pass on

 to some other sucker

 or the choice snippet

 might melt away by morning
