

Dear All,

Please join CLSIG on Tuesday 20th March 2018 at Macfarlanes LLP in London
for our AGM, plus a fascinating seminar by Alex G. Smith on 'information
architecture before artificial intelligence - the role of core information
skills in the era of robots'.

Media headlines or social tweets are often about amazing new ways to do
daily tasks using artificial intelligence (AI), robots and other new
technologies. But what actually makes these tools ‘intelligent’? Dig a
little deeper and you’ll discover that it’s actually a true understanding
of data and information, and its architecture and organisation, that drives
the success of new technologies.

Learn about why building cross-functional teams of domain and information
experts is key to successful implementation.  Understand why making this
solely a “coder’s” task has many negative issues, from lack of success
(think Silicon Valley comedy’s ‘Hot Dog, Not a Hot Dog’) through to
genuinely problematic moral and ethical issues.

Our speaker will explain the role that core information and knowledge
skills play in this revolution, and predicts that these core skills will
become fashionable. This talk is essential for anyone who doesn’t want to
be left behind by robots!

The CLSIG AGM will be at 6:30pm (only members can vote), followed by Alex G
Smith's talk from approximately 7:15pm. If you are only coming to the
seminar, please arrive for 7pm.

The seminar will then be followed by networking with refreshments until 9pm.

To book click here: (CILIP members
will need to be logged in to the CILIP website to see the discounted price)

We hope to see you there,


CLSIG Web editor