Hello all,

Apologies for cross-posting, there are still a few seats available for this course, co-sponsored by the CDRC:


Date: Monday 26th March - Thursday 29th March 2018

Venue: University of Liverpool (SCTH-PCTC-LL1)

Instructor: Dr Dani Arribas-Bel

The course will provide an introductory overview to several key concepts and tools behind the process of doing Data Science. We will cover topics from data manipulation and visualization, to exploratory data analysis, to learning from models. The course will be taught entirely in Python, the modern industry standard for data science, and will have a substantial hands-on component

Course Code

Data Sci_Python 26th March - 29th March

Course Dates

26th March 2018 – 29th March 2018

Places Available


Course Leader

Dr Dani Arribas-Bel


Daniel Arribas-Bel, PhD.

Url: darribas.org
Mail: [log in to unmask]

Lecturer in Geographic Data Science
Department of Geography and Planning

University of Liverpool (UK)