

Please join us for the final conference and report launch of the EU AMIF funded project INFORM – on legal and procedural information given to asylum-seekers in the European Union. The conference will take place on Thursday 19 April 2018 at the Thon Stanhope Hotel, Rue du Commerce 9, B-1000, Brussels.  
The provision of legal and procedural information to asylum-seekers is critical to the effective enjoyment of one’s right to seek international protection in a European country. Although the EU is the only regional body that has developed procedural guarantees and standards that should apply across its Member States, the information provided to asylum-seekers as well as the channels and ways through which they receive it varies. As highlighted by the European Commission communication “A European Agenda on Migration”, in 2014 the majority of the asylum requests resulted in a negative decision and for some nationalities almost all asylum requests were rejected, hampering the capacity of Member States to provide swift protection to those in need. Given the multiple limitations imposed (in law and practice) on legal aid for asylum-seekers, especially at the first instance of their asylum claims, there is an urgent need to provide adequate legal and procedural information regarding asylum.  This event presents the findings of a two-year research project which includes studies on Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Sweden and the United Kingdom.  The conference and report launch identifies concrete steps to improve the quality of information provided to asylum-seekers and support organisations. 
Space is limited so please RSVP at:

For more information please contact Professor Brad Blitz by email at [log in to unmask]

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