

University of Oxford: Statistical Computing for R and Stata
21 May – 13 July 2018
Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford, UK 
Register HERE

Complement your statistical skills with expert methods in R and Stata

A new accredited short course part of the Postgraduate Evidence-Based Health Care programme

Learn to programme statistical packages in order to complement statistical skills with advanced techniques.  In each of the two statistical packages, students begin with 20 essential commands and progress towards computer-intensive statistical methods such as simulation, advanced regression modelling techniques, multiple imputation, cross-validation and bootstrapping.

The overall aims of this module are to enable students:
•	To gain confidence in two high-level professional statistics packages, and complement the techniques learnt on other modules with advanced techniques such as multiple imputation to overcome missing data.

Intended learning outcomes are:
•	Learn fundamental programming techniques such as loops, and apply them in contexts such as Monte-Carlo simulation power calculations.
•	To develop the ability to complement the techniques learnt on other modules with computer-intensive techniques such as multiple imputation and resampling methods such as the bootstrap.

This course is delivered and assessed wholly online over an intensive 8 weeks.

The course is coordinated by Dr Jason Oke, a senior statistician at the Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, Oxford. His research interests are in cancer diagnostics, evaluating monitoring and screening programmes.

Full details and information on how to apply can be found on the course webpage -