


Workshop on Soft Computing and Computational Sustainability (COMPSUS2018)
at 12th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing 
(IDC 2018)
October 15th -17th, 2018
Bilbao, Spain


Full paper submission: April 9, 2018
Acceptance notification: May 18, 2018
Final camera ready: June 4, 2018
Paper registration (strict): July 9, 2018
Workshop: October 15-17, 2018

Nowadays, society faces important challenges regarding sustainability as 
climate change or the increasing world population. The solution to these 
challenges lies in a more efficient and effective use of the social, 
economic and environmental resources available. Computational 
Sustainability is an emerging field that aims at addressing this issue 
through the application of mathematics and computer science techniques 
in order to take advantage of the ability of computers to process high 
volumes of data. Within this broad range of computational methods, Soft 
Computing, the area encompassing techniques such as neural networks, 
fuzzy sets, metaheuristics or probabilistic reasoning, can be 
instrumental in this field given its wide application and success in 
areas as decision making, resource allocation and optimization, data 
mining, etc.

This workshop lies in the intersection between the two mentioned fields 
and  aims at gathering recent advances in the applications of Soft 
Computing techniques to address the problems that arise in Computational 
in order to create a forum, in which researchers and practitioners can 
communicate, discuss and share their latest findings in this topic. 
Papers can range from theoretical analysis to applied research.


Topics of the special session include (but are not restricted to) Soft 
Computing methods such as:

- Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Neural Networks
- Bayesian Methods
- Neural Networks
- Deep Learning
- Probabilistic Reasoning
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems
- Rough Sets
- Evolutionary Algorithms
- Meta-heuristics

and their application to domains related to Sustainability, including:

- Natural resources and ecosystems (sustainable agriculture, management 
of natural spaces, optimization of natural resources, etc.)
- Energy (renewable energy, smart grids, energy saving, etc.)
- Climate Change and GHG emission reduction (climate trends and impact, 
electric vehicle, fuel consumption reduction, green computing, 
smart-cities, etc.)


The accepted papers will be published in the book series on STUDIES IN
( indexed by ISI Web of Science
Conference Proceedings, DBLP, Ulrichs, SCOPUS, MathSciNet, Current
Mathematical Publications, Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt Math:
MetaPress and Springerlink.

All submitted papers will be blind reviewed by at least two reviewers
from the Program Committee. Selection criteria will be based on
relevance, originality, significance, impact, technical soundness and
quality of the presentation. Contributions are expected to provide
original results, insights and experimental innovations. Manuscripts
must be in PDF, not exceeding 10 pages and conforming to the Latex
template at Instructions for Authors page for the book series Studies in
Computational Intelligence (
Contributions are welcome to submission through the system available at

The workshop organizers are in negotiation with some ISI journals in 
order to publish an SPECIAL ISSUE with a selection of the best accepted 
papers of this workshop.


   Antonio D. Masegosa, University of Deusto/IKERBASQUE, Spain, 
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   Pedro Lopez-Garcia, University of Deusto, Spain, [log in to unmask]
   Andres R. Masegosa, University of Almeria, Spain, [log in to unmask]