Dear All,

You, or someone you know, may be interested in a unique itinerant field school run out of the College of Architecture here at TTU, which combines anthropology, art, archaeology, and architecture. Six thousand miles of overland travel and camping for two months in the American Southwest with an aim to experience major art monuments and sites, and expand our understanding of human land interactions. The deadline has just been extended to April 1. 

Details are pasted below. 

Chris Witmore 


Land Arts of the American West at Texas Tech University is recruiting students in all disciplines to participate in a transdisciplinary field program examining the evolutionary interaction between human actions and landscape formation. The program leverages two months of immersive field experience as a primary pedagogic agent to support research that open horizons of perception, probes depths of inquiry, and advances understanding of human impacts shaping the environment. Investigating earthworks or land art is a way of mapping the intersection of geomorphology and human construction. Earthworks begin with the shape of the land and extend through the complex social and ecological processes that create landscape. Including the full array of human activity marking the planet, from petroglyphs to pipelines, roads, dwellings, monuments, and traces of those actions, earthworks show us who we are.

Applications remain open with admission review planned to conclude by April 1. Information available at or by contacting program director Chris Taylor at [log in to unmask]

Walking Spiral Jetty, Great Salt Lake, Utah, 2015.


chris taylor ~ ~ 806-834-1589
Texas Tech University ~ College of Architecture ~ LUBBOCK

Christopher Witmore
Associate Professor
Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures
Texas Tech University
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