

Hi Careina,

This is a little confusing. A homology model *is* a set of coordinates 
(usually provided as a PDB file by most servers/packages I know of). The 
MolProbity site at allows you to 
upload your own PDB file, and in my experience is quite forgiving 
regarding format.

Hope this helps,


On 2018-03-02 11:44, Careina Edgooms wrote:
> Dear all
> What programs are best used for validate homology models? I know of
> molprobity but if there are no coordinates I cannot use it. Is there a
> way to use such programs with homology models?
> Also I wish to use pdbepisa for to charaterise dimer interface but
> again for homology model this cannot be done as there is no PDB model.
> Does anybody know way to use PISA software on my own model that is not
> deposited in PDB?
> Thank you in advance
> Careina