

I don't think there's much harm done if the text has been translated s often that it's become in a reasonably accurate form a part of our own culture. Dante etc are unlikely to be obscured by whatever use a later poet puts them to.  The only issue, I think, is what to call these riffs. The poets' intentions are clearly not what we usually think of as the role of translation. But I doubt anybody will make the mistake of reading them as translation.

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Riley <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Mar 15, 2018 12:30 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Swollen translation

Now in the Fortnightly Review, a long review about what is now called “expanded translation”. with reference to—

Peter Hughes, Tim Atkins, Robert Sheppard. /Petrarch

Alan Halsey, Laurie Duggan / Martial

Philip Terry / Dante

David Hadbawnik / Virgil

Simon Smith and various / Catullus

Trevor Joyce / Spenser

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