

Dear colleagues,

A final reminder about a workshop to be held next week titled 'Politicised Provision: ethnographic perspectives on welfare under Latin America's New Left'. There are still some tickets left! The event will take place in UCL's Department of Anthropology in London on 26th-27th March 2018. Attendance is free, but please register on Eventbrite here:

Details below, and a programme in PDF available here:

Apologies for cross-posting!

With best wishes,
David Cooper


Politicised Provision: ethnographic perspectives on welfare under Latin America's New Left
Date: 26th-27th March 2018
Venue: Daryll Ford Seminar Room, Department of Anthropology, UCL, London
Convener: David Cooper ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>)

As Latin America turned to the left in recent years, 'Pink Tide' governments experimented with new forms of social welfare, combining poverty-reduction measures with contentious efforts to facilitate political inclusion. The programs that resulted are woven through with powerful claims regarding the nature of the polity, the form and role of the state, and the shape citizenship should take. They make demands on participants to be particular kinds of citizens, and are often bound up with an imperative of ethical or subjective transformation. At the same time, the programs play out amid the political hopes, demands and expectations of participants and others, and in the context of broader social and political imaginaries. Their scenes of practical realisation bring dissonant visions of political possibility into dialogue, and become arenas for asserting and contesting divergent views of participation, belonging and power. This workshop brings together researchers whose work demonstrates the value of an ethnographic perspective in teasing apart these multi-faceted ramifications of Pink Tide social policy.


Redistributive or extractive politics? Ecuadorian Amazonian people's perspectives on welfare provision and emancipatory citizenship
Natalia Buitron, LSE

Redistributing enfranchisement: shifting patterns of recognition and labour in the Argentine Chaco
Agustin Diz, LSE

'Indigeneity' vs. 'coloniality': some considerations on an Andean ethnic spectrum
Rosalyn Bold, UCL

Permanence premised: the granted power of revolution in Cuba
Martin Holbraad, UCL

He has the right to give: rights-talk as state-talk in rural Brazil
Gregory Duff Morton, Bard College

Waiting to retire in Northeast Brazil
Martin Fotta, Goethe University Frankfurt

Participation and separation: popular reinterpretations of welfare in Ortega's Nicaragua
David Cooper, UCL

The (matri)sociality of the benevolent state: the case of Bolivarian Venezuela
Mariya P Ivancheva, University of Leeds

Conditional cash transfers outside of the pink tide: politicized provision in Montes de Maria, Colombia
Maria Elisa Balen-Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Mixed fortunes: a chavista household in times of crisis
Matt Wilde, University of Leicester


David Cooper
ESRC GCRF postdoctoral fellow
Department of Anthropology
University College London
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