

Dear experts,

I encountered a problem with the 1st-level analysis. I firstly generate the multiple conditions file using the following script:

onsets = {A1_W_ons A1_L_ons OC_W_ons OC_L_ons A2ons};
names = {'A1_W' 'A1_L' 'OC_W' 'OC_L' 'A2'};
durations = {0 0 0 0 0};
pmod(1).name{1}  = 'A1_WP'; pmod(1).param{1} = AWP; pmod(1).poly{1}  = 1;
pmod(2).name{1}  = 'A1_LP'; pmod(2).param{1} = ALP; pmod(2).poly{1}  = 1;
pmod(3).name{1}  = 'OC_WP1'; pmod(3).param{1} = OWP1; pmod(3).poly{1}  = 1;
pmod(3).name{2}  = 'OC_WP2'; pmod(3).param{2} = OWP2; pmod(3).poly{2}  = 1;
pmod(4).name{1}  = 'OC_LP1'; pmod(4).param{1} = OLP1; pmod(4).poly{1}  = 1;
pmod(4).name{2}  = 'OC_LP2'; pmod(4).param{2} = OLP2; pmod(4).poly{2}  = 1;

Here I have five conditions. A1_W and A1_L have 1 parameter, OC_W and OC_L have 2 parameters, and A2 has no parameter. Moreover, I included the time derivatives and head-motion data in my model (please see the attached "model2_design" for more details).

My script successfully completed the "fMRI model specification" and "Model estimation", but reported an error when doing "Contrast Manager" as follows:

Contrasts folder                        :    .\try\Sub110\results\model3
1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  <-  !invalid contrast
Failed  'Contrast Manager'
Error using spm_run_con (line 249)
Error in contrast specification
In file "E:\Matlab_toolbox\spm12\config\spm_run_con.m" (v6764), function "spm_run_con" at line 249.

I would really appreciate it if you could help me solve the problem.
