

Apologies for Cross Posting

Please find attached details about the 2018 Hermeneutic Phenomenology Methodology event.

Please direct any enquiries to Heather Nicolson [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Join us for the 2018 five day methodology and symposium in hermeneutic phenomenology

Monday 23rd to Friday 27th April 2018

(4 days methodology course and 1 day symposium)

At Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland.

We are delighted to invite you to this joint venture between the University of Central Lancashire and Robert Gordon University. We hope that you can join us and take part in a hermeneutic phenomenology methodology course.

The course is aimed at postgraduate research students, researchers and academics working within health and social care areas who are new/novices in this theoretical and methodological approach.

During the course, participants will receive an introduction to, and beginning experience in, designing hermeneutic phenomenology studies, collecting and analysing data, and reporting themes, qualities and patterns.

Learning outcomes for this course:

• Appreciation of the background into the philosophical underpinnings of hermeneutic phenomenology

• Gain insights into key philosophical notions described by key philosophers (Heidegger, Gadamer, etc.) and how these can be applied within health and social care research

• How to design and conduct hermeneutic phenomenology research

• How to collect data for hermeneutic phenomenology

(e.g. interviews)

• How to analyse, interpret, and report data (theses/dissertations and publications) in a way that is congruent with this methodology

The sessions will run from 9.30am-4.30pm each day and will involve presentations and small and large group activities (and feedback sessions). In order to encourage participants to share and discuss their ideas, delegates will have an opportunity to present their research ideas or early insights for informal peer feedback.
The first four days (Monday to Thursday) will focus on ‘how to do’ a hermeneutic phenomenological study. On Friday 27th April a symposium will be held whereby experienced

For further information, please contact Health Nicolson [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or visit the website<>
To book a place, please complete the online booking form on the above website.