

Dear all,
Just a reminder that we invite applications for the role of the Postgraduate and Early Career Officer for the Association of German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland. This is an exciting opportunity to represent the interests of postgraduates and early career researchers on a national level and work with peers all over the country.
Eligibility: The Postgraduate and Early Career Officer should be registered for a postgraduate degree at the time of election; it is understood that during the period of service on the committee they may complete the PhD and have postdoctoral/early career status.
Period of service: Three years without the option of re-election.
Duties: To liaise with PG and early career members of the AGS, and to present a short report on their views and needs to the committee at the annual committee meeting, and a report on the year’s activity to the AGS membership at the annual business meeting (at the conference); to represent the views and needs of the PG/EC community in committee discussions via email; to assist and support the Publicity Officer in the design and maintenance of AGS social media; to serve as a member of the AGS executive committee in guiding the Association’s mission and activities; to attend the annual conference and the committee meetings of the executive committee.
The officer is also responsible for hosting the PG jiscmail.
In case of questions about the role, you are welcome to contact the current PG and ECR officer, Dr Stephan Ehrig<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
Please send your application, including a short letter of motivation, to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> by 6 April.
National PG Colloquium Organising Committee: Stephanie Obermeier<mailto:[log in to unmask]> (Kent);  Joanna Raisbeck<mailto:%5Blog%20in%20to%20unmask%5D> (Oxford); Samuel Thompson<mailto:[log in to unmask]> (KCL); Leila Essa<mailto:[log in to unmask]> (KCL).
Current AGS PG and ECR Officer: Dr Stephan Ehrig<mailto:[log in to unmask]> (Durham).