

You can register now for our 4 day practical Masterclass in Microtectonics at the University of Mainz, Germany. The course is intended for graduate students, postdocs and professionals who wish to learn about the deformation of rocks on the microscopic scale, and how microstructures visible in thin sections can be interpreted in terms of deformation mechanisms. It is based on the book "Microtectonics" by Passchier and Trouw (2005).

If you’d like to register, please write an e-mail to [log in to unmask].


We hope to see you there!


Nina Au

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Institut für Geowissenschaften-Tektonophysik

Executive Assistant, Prof. Dr. Cees Passchier

Becherweg 21

D-55128 Mainz

Phone: *49-6131-3923843

Fax: *49-6131-3923863


Beschreibung: kopfneu