

London Museum Development Funding Fair
Tuesday 20 March, 10.15am – 1pm
Salters’ Hall, 4 London Wall Place

This free mini-conference is for staff, volunteers and trustees working in the Museum sector in the London region. It will be a brilliant opportunity to hear from different funding bodies, ask informal questions and to develop your fundraising skills. Organisations represented include Arts Council England, Art Fund, Heritage Lottery Fund, Creative Europe, Association of Independent Museums, National Archives, National Manuscripts Conservation Trust, The Anna Plowden Trust, Friends of the National Libraries and National Partnerships. If you plan to attend the morning Funding Fair only, please complete our booking form selecting ‘Funding Fair’. In the afternoon there will be an optional workshop on bid writing. Further information on this session is below.



Nicky Boyd

Museum Consultant (audience research & evaluation)

17 Lizban Street


London SE3 8SS

020 8853 0110

07759 393 779

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