

Hi Toby,

This is a known problem which only affects certain macOS systems. Unfortunately I have been unable to reproduce it, so I can only suggest using a different viewer.



On 26 February 2018 at 12:34, Wood, Tobias <[log in to unmask]> wrote:



When I am viewing certain multi-volume pre-clinical (rat) data, fsleyes does not display the volumes correctly. As I flip forward and back through the volumes, only certain lines of each slice are updated, leading to a very odd progressive window-blind artefact (I think that would be the correct term). I have attached a screenshot. The problem appears reproducible - i.e. the same file will produce the problem consistently, but not every file will do so. I am happy to share an example file. This is on a Mac, High Sierra 10.13.3 using fsleyes 0.21.0 (the problem existed in the version bundled with FSL 5.0.10, so I upgraded, but it did not fix the issue).


If I fall back to fslview, then these files are displayed correctly.


Any help appreciated. Best wishes,
