Hi M del Mar,

Can you send the s/qform affines and codes, as output by fslhd?



On 7 February 2018 at 15:33, M del Mar Velasco <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear FSL experts,

I am using fslmaths with -mas option in order to mask a nifti file. Input file is a FA image and mask has been created using that FA image, so the dimensions are the same. Here is the output from fslinfo command:

fslinfo input_data

data_type      FLOAT32
dim1           128
dim2           128
dim3           75
dim4           1
datatype       16
pixdim1        2.000000
pixdim2        2.000000
pixdim3        2.000005
pixdim4        1.000000
cal_max        1.0000
cal_min        0.0000
file_type      NIFTI-1+

fslinfo mask

data_type      INT16
dim1           128
dim2           128
dim3           75
dim4           1
datatype       4
pixdim1        2.000000
pixdim2        2.000000
pixdim3        2.000005
pixdim4        0.000000
cal_max        4.0000
cal_min        0.0000
file_type      NIFTI-1+

However I get the followig warning:

WARNING:: Inconsistent orientations for individual images in pipeline!

I have checked orientation using fslview and both images have the same orientation. Any idea about how to fix it?


M del Mar