


It seems you should include a model_structure.txt.


El 5 feb. 2018 6:42 p. m., "Sudhanshu Manda" <[log in to unmask]> escribió:


I'm trying to use MIST for the first time with a set of data. However, the
output of 'mist_1_train' does not seem to match the output given on the FSL
wiki. When I run 'mist_1_train', the following actions happen:

- a folder named 'mist_out' is created, but it contains only
'mist_1a_jobs', 'mist_1b_jobs', 'mist_1c_jobs', 'mist_1d_jobs', and does
not include files with the structure model_<structure>.txt.
- a file named mist_training_subjects is created
- a number of nifti files are created in the <subjects> folder, including
things like 'mist_t1_brain_pve_0.nii.gz', 'mist_t1_to_mni_nonlin.nii.gz',
'mist_t1_to_mni_warp_inv.nii.gz', mist_t1_brain_to_mni.mat', etc. I have
alreaady registered my images to MNI space so I'm not sure why it's giving
me these NIFTI files.

Does anyone know what's going on? Or are these simply intermediate files
and the MIST tool is taking longer than I thought to run? If not, how do I
use these files to segment image files?
