

Hi Paul,

You can try to detach the stylet from the muscle by scrubing gently the
muscle and then make a transversal cut in the mantle near the tip of the
sylet and try to pull them out from that insertion carefully avoiding to
break them.

I stored my collection of octopus vulgaris stylets in two different
solutions Ethanol+glicerol and 4% formaline, and I found out that the
center of the stylet became darkened more quickly with the ethanol
solution, so I would recommend 4% formaline.

But yes, I suggest to measure and weight them before stored.

All the best,


On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 11:40 PM, Paul Bennetts <[log in to unmask]>

> Hi Everyone,
> I recently obtained some *E. dofleini * mantles and beaks. I am beginning
> to dissect out the stylets and just want to make sure I am not going to
> dammage the outer layers in the process. What is the standard way for
> removing the stylets? Should I just leave part of the muscle attached?
> I plan on preserving the stylets in 70% ethanol as well. Will this cause
> the stylet to shrink from dehydration and should I be measuring stylet
> length width and weight before preservation?
> Any advice would help.
> Thank you,
> Paul Bennetts

Sílvia Lourenço

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PhD Marine Ecology

CMC - Centro de Maricultura da Calheta
Direção Regional de Pescas da Região Autónoma da Madeira
CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental
OOM - Observatório Oceânico da Madeira

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